About Us
Over 3 years of experience in providing digital and software solution
AR Mechatronics PLT was established in 01 June 2019, as one of the UTM spin-off companies. Our core business engaged continuous passion in advance digital 4.0 technology, applications and solutions. Recent events, the company has been collaborated with the private sectors for Industrial solutions, and commerce digitalization. Our company objectives are to simplify the difficulties for B2B suits to current technology solutions and implement new simplified systems that mainly focuses in commerce and industries digitalization solutions towards industrial 4.0.
Big Data is a collection of data from traditional and digital sources inside and outside of the company that represents a source for ongoing discovery and analysis. We develop user-first data analytics using machine learning based on data provided by our customers.
Interoperability is in essence what happens when we bring the above elements together. It is the connection of cyber-physical systems, humans and smart factories communicating with each other through the IoT. In doing so, manufacturing partners can effectively share information, error-free.
IoT is the connection of all devices to the internet and each other. As Wired said, “It’s built on cloud computing and networks of data-gather sensors; it’s mobile, virtual, and instantaneous connection.”
The concept of Smart Menufacturing is the seamless connection of individual production steps, from planning stages to actuators in the field.
Application software designed to run on a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet computer. Mobile applications frequently serve to provide users with similar services to those accessed on PCs. Apps are generally small, individual software units with limited function. This use of app software was originally popularized by Apple Inc. and its App Store, which offers thousands of applications for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.
Our Services
Our ability to develop code
is only the beginning of our capabilities. We are able to prenetrate a number of industries with the use of the latest technologies and committed developers that promote the growth of AR Mechatronics PLT. We offer a wide range of services and have provided custom software solutions for businesses that need them. Let us assist you in transforming your business through latest tech capabilities to stay ahead of the curve.
We play by the rules, but we are feroucios! Here are some of the services we provide:
Design and maintain the robotics equiqment and its software to ensure the reliability and optimising the efficiency of industrial plant.
Design and extend the internet connectivity into physical devices, everyday objects and products.
Design system or product that combine the elements of robotics, electronics, computer, telecommunications, control and system.
Design software and hardware in increasing the efficiency of industrial machinery through automation.Thing could be done by robots instead of human power, example sorting machine, conveyer belts( variable speed ).
Our Team
AR Mechatronics PLT is here thanks to our awesome team. Meet them!
Got questions? Feel free to drop by or contact us.
48B, Jalan Enau 15, Taman Teratai, 81300 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia
+607 560 7679